We are pleased to announce the call for abstracts for the 3rd INTERNATIONAL & SRS LATAM ROBOTIC SURGERY CONGRESS and 2nd COLCIR CONGRESS 2023, which will be held in Rio de Janeiro from August 23rd to August 25th. We invite submissions of original research and innovative ideas in the field of robotic surgery.
Abstracts will be accepted for oral presentations, video presentations, and poster presentations. Best abstracts (Oral/Videos) will be presented in the specialty-specific sessions of the event.
To submit papers you must be registered for the congress.
Faculty: have accepted the invitation sent.
Attendees: have paid registration
Authors must complete the registration form at Online Secretary indicating:
- Title of the paper: In capital letters, it is short and indicative of its nature.
- Authors and co-authors: With the respective credits. Limit of 6 co-authors.
- Abstract.
Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts must follow the guidelines provided in the submission portal and should include the following sections: background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
- The recommended abstract length is between 385 and 500 words, excluding the title and authors' names.
- Abstract titles should be descriptive (200 characters or less).
Video Guidelines
- All digital videos must be recorded in English; music is not required.
- The opening frames of the video presentation must begin with the exact title and include the authors’ names.
- Videos should not include personal advertising or product promotion.
- Digital video presentations longer than 7 minutes in duration will automatically be rejected.
- Allowed video types: .mov and .mp4.
- Maximum file size: 700MB.
Poster Guidelines
Powerpoint settings:
- slides presentation: automatic mode ("loop" mode)
- maximum duration: 7 minutes
- maximum file size: 100 MB
- slide orientation: portrait. Size: 16:9
As suggestion the paper should be from 8 to 12 slides and contain:
- Authors' complete names and institution affiliations: 1 slide
- Presentation + Introduction + Objective: 1 to 3 slides
- Methods: 2 to 3 slides
- Results: 3 to 4 slides
- Discussion: 1 to 2 slides
- Conclusion: 1 slide
Important note: submissions in any formatting different from reported above will be automatically disqualified.
Procedures and Deadlines
- Submissions must be sent through the congress website, no later than 11h59 pm, May 31st, 2023.
- ALL PRESENTERS MUST BE LIVE – Virtual presentations will not be allowed.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
- Accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Robotic Surgery.
- Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to the Journal of Robotic Surgery and any conflicts with any other scientific association will be the sole responsibility of the authors.
- Announcements of approved papers and presentation modalities will be sent on July 14th, 2023.
- Complete instructions for the speaker and presentation will be provided upon notification of abstract acceptance.
Please ensure that your abstract is well-organized and clearly written, with a focus on the main message and objectives. It should also adhere to accepted scientific standards and contribute new and innovative ideas to the community.
Evaluation of Abstracts
Evaluation of Abstracts will be based on:
- Relevance: The abstract should be relevant to the field of robotic surgery and contribute new and innovative ideas to the community.
- Clarity: The abstract should be well-organized and clearly written, with a focus on the main message and objectives.
- Scientific rigor: The abstract should describe methods and results with accuracy and rigor, and adhere to accepted scientific standards.
- Originality: The abstract should present new and original findings, ideas, or techniques in the field of robotic surgery.
- Significance: The abstract should demonstrate the importance of the research and its potential impact in the field of robotic surgery.
- Applicability: The abstract should have potential applicability and relevance to clinical practice and/or medical education.